Membership Instructions and FAQ

How To Apply for Yachad Membership

Note: If you are already logged into your account, you can skip to Step # 3

Step 1: Go to and click on ‘SIGN IN’ on the top right-hand corner

Yachad Home Page

Step 2: Sign in on the left-side of the screen using your email and Password

Log In

If you are a Care Coordinator, please contact the National Office directly at 212.613.8229 or, and please specify that you are a Care Coordinator looking to apply an individual for membership.

Your name will now appear where it used to say ‘SIGN IN’

Click on your name and then the first option: ‘My Profile’

Step 3: Go to the Member’s Account

If you are a Member (and signed into your own account) it should look like this…


You can then skip to Step 4

If you are a Parent (and signed into your own account) it should look like this…


Make sure your contact information is up to date and correct.  Everything from your name down to your address is important for us to know about you!  Please note that after updating a piece of information, a Green confirmation will appear in the top right corner of the page to let you know the profile information was updated correctly.

Then, click on the ‘Children’ Tab, and then ‘Switch to Profile’ next to the name of your Member


You are now viewing your members Profile

Step 4: Update Member Information

Note: information that seems insignificant to you, or self-evident to you, may be unknown to us – even if the member has already attended other Yachad programs – and plays a very important role when working with the applicant.

All Contact and Health Related Information is extremely Important.

Step 4a: Review and update Information on the ‘Info’ Tab


All information on this tab is important, from the Contact Information (like Member Legal and Preferred Names, Email, Phone, and Address) to the General Health Information (Dietary Needs, Allergies, Primary Physician Information) and also the Care/Service Coordinator and Group Home Information (If Applicable).

Please note that after updating a piece of information, a Green confirmation will appear in the top right corner of the page to let you know the profile information was updated correctly.

Step 4b: Review and update Information on the ‘Health Info’ Tab


All information on this tab is important. Conditions keep us aware of the Member’s specific history, and the Medications Information allows us to make sure Medications are taken and managed appropriately at events.  If you already have Medications entered, please review each one to make sure all necessary information is included on every Medication.

Please note that after updating a piece of information, a Green confirmation will appear in the top right corner of the page to let you know the profile information was updated correctly.

Step 4c: Add Seizure and Anaphylaxis Allergy Information

Answer the two questions on the Health Info Tab, and if applicable fill out appropriate additional tabs that appear (seizure history and/or anaphylaxis allergies).  Be sure to complete information in order that the tabs appear.

Please note that after updating a piece of information, a Green confirmation will appear in the top right corner of the page to let you know the profile information was updated correctly.

Step 4d: Review and Update Information on the ‘Emergency Contacts’ Tab


Please add emergency contact information for us in the event that an issue may arise with the Member at an event.  At least 1 Emergency Contact is required to submit the membership application.

Please note that after updating a piece of information, a Green confirmation will appear in the top right corner of the page to let you know the profile information was updated correctly.  Also, if you have multiple children, the same emergency contacts will automatically be applied to each of them, saving you time!

Step 4e: If Visible Fill out the ‘Seizure Response Plan’ Tab

Please note, this will only show up if you have selected that you have a history of seizures.  This will make sure we know how to react should a seizure occur at a Yachad event.


Please note that on this tab, to save information all questions must be answered and then you can click on the Orange ‘Update’ button at the bottom of the page which will save all the information.

Step 4e: If Visible Fill out the ‘Anaphylaxis’ Tab

Please note, this will only show up if you have selected that you have an Anaphylaxis Allergy.  This will make sure we know how to react should an allergic reaction occur at a Yachad event.


Please note that on this tab, to save information all questions must be answered and then you can click on the Orange ‘Update’ button at the bottom of the page which will save all the information.

Step 5: Review ‘Event History’ Tab


Here you will see any events that you have registered for in the past.  Please make sure all invoices are fully paid.  If they are not, Yachad Staff will follow up with you for payment before approving your membership application.

Step 6: Click on the Memberships Tab

Step 6a: Make sure there is no Red Box


If you see a red box at the top of the membership page when it loads, that means that you missed some extremely important information when filling out the other tabs.  Make sure you go through each point within the Red Box to fully provide us with your information.  Review the general information as well, not just that which is mentioned in this box.  You can click on the Orange Text in the parenthesis to bring you back to the Tab the specific information needed exists on.  For help, return to the applicable step in the Instructions and continue from there.

Step 6b: Select the Membership you are looking to Apply for


This page will show all available Memberships in your Region.  In some regions, there may be multiple membership options and in some there may only be one.  Please read the descriptions and assess the cost, before selecting a membership, to find the one that best fits your needs.

Step 6c: Review and Sign the Liability Waiver


Initially this box will be gray with an arrow pointing to the right.  This means that you have not yet completed the waiver.  Click on the box and the waiver text and signature sections will pop up.  Review the waiver completely and click on the checkbox to Acknowledge and Agree.  Click the blue confirm button at the bottom of the waiver, and the gray box will turn green with a check mark instead of an arrow to let you know it is complete.


Step 6d: Review and Sign the Media Consent Form


Initially this box will be gray with an arrow pointing to the right.  This means that you have not yet completed the form.  Click on the box and the consent form text and signature sections will pop up.  Review the waiver completely and choose to accept the terms or be in touch with staff to review further.  Click the blue confirm button at the bottom of the waiver, and if you agreed the gray box will turn green with a check mark instead of an arrow to let you know it is complete.  If you selected that you will be in touch with staff to review further, after clicking confirm the gray box will remain the same, but allow you to continue.


Step 6e: Review and Agree to the Privacy Policy

Click on the Orange text: Privacy Policy to review our Privacy policy and see how data is handled.  Click the checkbox to agree to the terms within the policy.

Step 6f: Upload Immunization Records


Specify whether or not the member has up to date Vaccinations, specifically regarding the MMR (Measles) vaccine.  If yes, upload a copy of your Immunization Records using the Orange ‘Upload File’ button.  When the file name appears below the button (like shown above) the document is attached.

If the member is not up to date with their Vaccinations, specify no.  Please note that our expectation is that all those attending any Yachad Program have been properly vaccinated.

Step 6g: Click ‘Apply’

If all information is entered correctly, you will be redirected to a new page.  If you are sent back to the top of the Membership tab and there is a red box, please review each item in the red box (and all other information needed from you) and make sure everything is entered fully and accurately, then click the apply button again.

Step 7: Wait for Yachad Staff to review your Membership Application

Yachad Staff need to review multiple factors before accepting your Membership Application and enabling you to make a payment.  Once Staff have accepted your Application, you will get an email with the link to pay and a copy of the invoice.  To follow up on the process, you can contact the region via the information at the bottom of this web page.

Step 8: If you have another child applying for membership, return to Step 3 and complete for each child individually.

Membership FAQs

Why do you need vaccination records?

Yachad takes the safety of our participants very seriously. In light of the recent measles outbreak Yachad has established a policy that participants must have had 2 doses of the MMR vaccine to attend programs. If you do not have vaccination records but can show the results of a Titer Test, that will fulfill this requirement. At this time we do not accept religious exemptions. 

Can I give verbal permission for the care/service coordinator or Yachad staff to sign the Liability Waiver and Media Release on my behalf?

No. All liability waivers must be signed by the parent or legal guardian of the participant. A verbal consent to sign your name is not legally sufficient.

What does Membership Cost?

Basic Yachad Membership costs $125. We offer an early bird rate of $100 for those who sign up before September 30th.

Shabbaton Membership (available in New York and New Jersey) costs $450. We offer an early bird rate of $400 for those who sign up before September 30th. 

What is included in the price of membership?

Basic Yachad membership includes invitations to events throughout the year as well as admission to 3 or more free events. In regions outside the NY/NJ area, this membership also includes invitations to shabbatons.

Shabbaton Membership (available in New York and New Jersey only) includes invitations to at least 4 shabbatons throughout the year and covers the attendance fee for shabbatons. (High School Leadership and Family Shabbaton are an additional charge). Having a Shabbaton Membership is the only way to be invited to a Shabbaton in the NY/NJ regions.

Membership fees also help us to subsidize event prices throughout the year.

Can I sign up for membership if I have never been a member before?

Yachad membership requires an intake. To get involved please go to and let us know what services you are interested in and a Staff member will be in touch!

Why do you ask for the Parent’s Medical Information?

This is a quirk of our system. Parent profiles are set up the same as member profiles and therefore have a number of the same questions. You can skip this part.

If I apply for Membership does that mean I am now signed up for the year?

Once you click the submit button, the Yachad administrative staff will review your application to ensure everything is completed and correct. Once that happens you will receive an email that includes payment directions. Once you have paid for membership the process is complete.

Please note, even if you sign up for membership, you still need to register for individual events.

Contact Information

National HQ Office 212.613.8229


Baltimore 212.613.8229

Chicago 844.492.2423

Cleveland 216.299.1004

Dallas 214.663.1650

Israel 02.656.8048

Los Angeles 310.229.9000 x206

New England 617.209.6799

New Jersey 201.833.1349

New York 212.613.8229

South Florida 954.552.2251

Toronto 416.986.1985