About Yachad

Yachad helps Jewish individuals with intellectual, developmental, and learning disabilities develop a sense of belonging in the community.

We believe that every Jew deserves the same opportunities to have a place in our community. This belief comes from the Torah, which states - Ve’ahavta Le’rayacha Kamocha- You shall love your fellow as yourself.

OUR 3 Pillars

We believe that the 3 elements that are critical to participating in the community, and thus developing a sense of belonging are:

Helping to develop meaningful relationships
Providing experiences that other members of the community have
Creating a more welcoming community

OUR values

We are driven and guided by Torah values in all aspects of its operation and programming, beginning with the firm belief that every person is created B’Tzelem Elokim- in G-D’s image.
Whole Family Approach
We believe in the fundamental importance of working with the entire family, and each participant’s support system to achieve the best possible results.
We emphasize Jewish growth for our volunteers. We aspire to create future Jewish communal leaders who are deeply committed to Judaism and the Jewish community.
We emphasize personal and professional growth for our staff, through learning collaboratives, training and with a culture that encourages innovation. We cultivate our staff to be responsible, passionate, creative, and growth oriented.
Health and Safety
We are committed to running our programs in a physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy and safe environment.
We seek to leverage the strengths of other organizations by pursuing opportunities to collaborate.