Now that the summer is done
And we all had so much fun,
We can look back at it and think
The fact that it’s over does sorta stink.
The counselors were really so great
The fact that I met them can’t have been fate,
They taught me so many important life lessons
Whether it be on the bus or during the learning sessions.
As the summer progressed
I realized this summer was the best,
We laughed, we danced, we had fun
A hundred and fifteen people became one.
In the blink of an eye
It was time to say good-bye,
With big hugs and some tears
We will remember this summer for years and years.
I would do anything to be back with you all
To continue an experience that was really a ball,
To look out at the views that were really sublime
To do the group four boys dance just one more time.
To be inspired by those that I love
To make a connection with God up above,
To learn about inclusion and being a great friend
To know that people will care for me until the very end.
To play a game of hide
To chill on a long bus ride,
To take part in all the gazz*
To be part of something Ashkenaz.
To pray together by the setting sun
To scream out Fun Fun Fun,
To dance like nuts at Yom NCSY
To stare up at the amazing stars in the sky.
To eat food called chullent, kugel, and geffilte fish
To realize that those foods are really nish**,
To be around people that will help me learn
To see a huge smile wherever I turn.
Even though it’s been so long since we were together
I know that we will all remain best friends forever,
I cannot accurately express in words that I miss you all so much
I love you all a lot, everyone please stay in touch.
Syrian Words
*Gazz- Fun stuff that is going on
**Nish- Disgusting