Summer Staff
Nechama Levie

Nechama Levie

Head Counselor

HELLO, YBY 2021!! My name is Nechama Levie. I’m from Teaneck, New Jersey. I have 5 awesome siblings and an adorable puppy (he’s 13) named Teddy. I went to Yeshivat Frisch and during my four years there I was on the basketball, hockey and swim teams (sounds like a lot but sitting on a bench and cheering has always come naturally to me)!!! Then I spent a magical year and a half at the fabulous Shaalvim For Women. I am currently a madricha in the wonderful SFW and a senior on Zoom Stern, where I am studying Psychology. I know all of you are thinking, could this chica get any more interesting? The answer is YESSSS. I have the strange ability to make a loud sound that sounds like a mix between a seal cough and a blow horn, but it puts a strain on my throat so I can’t do it too often. My favorite food is soup – you name it, I probably like it. When it comes to libations, coffee is my drink of choice – you know what they say – a cup a day keeps the headaches away. But above all, I love Yachad and YBY and can’t wait to meet all of you and for an unforgettable summer!!!